Kidznotes Sustainers enable our team to provide the highest-quality education for our student musicians!

Our Sustainers make convenient ongoing contributions that are automatically drafted each month. By signing up to make monthly contributions of as little as $10/month, you will become a member of our sustainer community and receive special event invitations, swag, and so much more! Providing Kidznotes with this type of support is transformative! It enables our team to plan ahead and build programs with the confidence that our community is invested in the future of our work.

Sustainer funds are used to pay the salaries of Kidznotes’ teaching artists, whose talents and teaching skills are the lifeblood of our program.

Kidznotes Sustainer Benefits:
Invitation to special Sustainer-only events
> Free Kidznotes Swag
> Discounts on purchases of tickets and additional swag
> A mailed copy of Kidznotes’ Annual Report
> Exclusive tours of the nucleo sites, including the opportunity to meet our students and staff and experience a behind-the-scenes concert

Thank you so much for supporting Kidznotes! Your monthly contributions keep this station strong for our community. Please contact our Development Team at 919.321.4475 or if you need to update the payment information, change the amount, or cancel your current gift.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let us know!
Call us at 919.321.4475 or email